Madness in Marcahuasi

It serves nothing to inform the visitor of the secrets of the sacred mountain, because at any time during this adventure a little piece of madness will invade you, challenging you to defy nature, and the emptiness and mystery of this place

There are cray insticts that you cannot fight in Marcahuasi, to get close to the abyss where your fear freezes and the wind seems to talk to you. Daring you.

Everybody that arrives at Marcahuasi is thirsty, not only for the sculptures but for something else. The protocols are broken, whether it is during the day or during the night.

Everyone controls their own madness in Marcahuasi, whether it is to stare at it from the fringe of some mystery, or whether it is this jump. Falling for something!

I don't know in which trip, and in which moment but there exists some instant to do crazy things in Marcahuasi, a strange influence of disobedience that we sometimes get at this altitude. And sometimes the resultant behaviour is inexplicable.
We can imagine this scene. Where are the treasures of Marcahuasi? If Ruso didn't reply then me neither.

Traveling the route along the cliffs between the limit of the plateau and the abyss beyond, there is ample temptation for the visitor. Who doesn't want a photo on the petrified rocks? Who wouldn't pose in this emptiness.
It doesn't matter the danger, the temptation to pose here has no limit. The daughter of the mountain Gods.

When we are in front of the lakes we're invited to dive in and swim. It doesn't matter the time. Well, nothing matters. It's part of the adventure and the madness that Marcahuasi produces.

This jumper isn't the only one. Neither was he the first nor the last. "Little Hell" produces these emotions that you could categorise as something between temptation and freedom.

"Little Hell" is a place where many legends are intertwined, provoking you to make acrobatic jumps, defying your fear and the mystery of what is below. Others decide to walk the length of the hellish passageway. Total adrenalin!!!

If you inhabit these ruins they give you a happy feeling, for other visitors perhaps not. Goodbye Soctacure's prisoners!

Who hasn't done this? Who didn't try it once in Marcahuasi? To camp far from the well beaten places, to sleep in the ruins, to travel over the plateau at night with or without moonlight, to start making a new track ascending to the plateau, to create your own hypothesis about this place, to climb the rocks. In truth this place releases an amazing number of crazy things in us, some good, and some bad, some allowed and some prohibited, some that we like and some not!

These are the "warriors of the tracks". Making new routes to arrive at Marcahuasi needs a lot of skill ... something for crazy people!!

But to arrive at Marcahuasi by the route of suffering, the route of a dream made reality now is a craziness; a craziness that you will never forget, ... or repeat!

Read the original post (in Spanish)

Next Post : An extract from an interview of Manuel Olivares (Daniel Ruzo's secretary)
Photos : John Ysrael Guevara

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