Foreign Writers and Marcahuasi

It isn't as simple as just trawling through the books of Erich Von Daniken, Rodolfo Benavides, Charles Berlitz and Peter Kolosimo. These writers gave a lot about their investigations and publications that, despite their age, continue under the classification of esoteric, unexplainable mysteries, disappeared civilizations, mysticism, and the presence of extraterrestrials on Earth; topics that hold us hostage due to the mystery of the unknown. In many works these writers do however mention Marcahuasi.

From August 1952, when Daniel Ruzo travelled to the plateau of Marcahuasi for the first time, he described this place throughout Peru and in many parts of the world through conferences, and in leaflets and books written by this pioneer of the plateau. Due to this diffusion of information, many foreign writers mentioned Marcahuasi in their books.

The Mexican writer Rodolfo Benavides, in his book "Dramatic prophecies of the big pyramid" (34th edition), in page 33, "chapter II - The fantastic that is confused with the real" says
"In the altiplano of Marcahuasi, in the peaks of the Andes at 3800m above sea level, there are figures of humans and animals (some the predecesors of mammals) sculpted into the rocks, corresponding to the second age. And not just that, there are also statues of lions, camels and tortoise. All of that, in a context where they believed that such species were unknown in America. It has been impossible to say the age of these monuments by carbon(14) dating*."

* Carbon(14) dating is a method designed to determine the age of rock, though not the only method known.

They mention in their books that in the plateau of Marcahuasi there are lions, camels, tortoise and elephants. Why don't they publish photos?

Erich Von Daniken, polemic and well-discussed writer about the extraterrestrial phenomenon, in his book "Memories for the future" on page 123 says "At an altitude of 3800 metres above sea level, in some rocks of the deserted plateau of Marcahuasi they found some drawings of animals that didn't exist in South America 10000 years ago; camels and lions"*

* The information about Marcahuasi is here in the petrified sculptures, Mr Daniken, you still have the opportunity to grapple with this mystery, "we await you".

The Monument to Humanity, the principle sculpture on the plateau, and they don't mention it. The sculptures of animals and humans are of the same age!

"Memories for the future" was published in more than 44 editions and in different languages, mentioning that they found "drawings" in Marcahuasi, an error that not even the aliens would forgive. In other books by the same author he mentions the sacred mountain.

In 1979 Charles Berlitz published the book "The Bermuda Triangle"; an investigator of UFOs and mysteries, and often criticized for this book. On page 223 of the book, chapter 8 "Surprises of the prehistoric" cites "In the plateau of Marcahuasi, near Kenko, Peru. There are huge rock workings, and in some cases there are slopes that have been changed by the carvings. The preincan works, despite finding themselves crumbling from uncountable centuries, can be identified as lions, horses, camels and elephants, none of which are known to have existed during the ages of civilisation in South America".

Millions of people that read "The Bermuda Triangle" have erroneous information due to Charles Berlitz, by writing that Marcahuasi is found "near Kenko" (Cuzco)! There is a property called Marcahuasi, in the district of Mollepata (province of Anta) with Inca ruins, but there are no carvings of lions, horses, camels or elephants!

The book "Spaceships in Pre-history" by the journalist Peter Kolosimo, that in the 1970s was a revelation for his investigations, publications and exploring of the mysteries, in page 92 chapter III "The children of the moon" writes this of Marcahuasi :
"In Marcahuasi, the enigmatic deserted plateau, at an altitude of 3800 metres in Peru, at the west of the Andes mountain chain, Daniel Ruzo has found sculptures that represent extinct species that lived up from 195 to 130 millions of years ago, figures of elephants, oxen, and horses, animals that didn't exist in America in the times of Christopher Columbus' discovery."

Anfichelidia, as it was named by Daniel Ruzo, an animal that disappeared thousand of years ago, but not millions. You can find it near the five lakes.

To cite that Marcahuasi lies to the west of the Andes mountain range, knowing that this goes from the south to the north of Peru, lacks precision and that Daniel Ruzo found extinct species that lived 195 to 130 millions of years ago is nothing fantastic, not even a millionaires realism. Rest in peace, in some spaceship Peter Kolosimo.

The plateau of Marcahuasi is located in the district of San Pedro de Casta, in the province of Huarochiri, 90 kilometres east of Lima, the Peruvian capital. It is at an altitude of 4000 metres above sea level. Charles Berlitz ... please inform yourself, in the next life!

There are many foreign writers that mention Marcahuasi, like Jacques Bergier, Louis Powell, Reais Pire etc, but they don't go further than the well known fact. Consequently the sacred mountain continues being a mystery, and the reader continues seeing through a small Peruvian hole a series of sculptures that survive the inclemencies of the weather, defying human intelligence.

Daniel Ruzo, in his book "Marcahuasi, the fantastic history of a discovery" (the Marcahuasian bible) thanks Jacques Bergier, Louis Powell for the praise that they heaped on him in their books. But what of the other writers ?

Rodolfo Benavides, Erich Von Daniken, Charles Berlitz and Peter Kolosimo, ... lovers of mystery, disappeared civilisations, and the presence of aliens on earth, ... they all need to become reconciled with the petrified forest for writing about Marcahuasi without even having visited it! Knowing, as they do, that here the mystery is so strong. What happened? without them all being explorers of ... of what exactly? Didn't they want to visit, or weren't they able, or was it the ambition to publish book after book with titles that are each time more suggestive, they got confused in the nebula of their own vested interests.

We arrive at Marcahuasi in search of "something", and we return without knowing why. This photography, that the writers of the mystery ignored, and Ruzo never saw, but he did predict it.

The truth is that these authors published millions of books, in many languages, with citations about Marcahuasi and about Daniel Ruzo, but they never made any observation of their own. Why was that?

Conclusion : There is so much charm and so much mystery in Marcahuasi and they wrote nothing of note, just a citation re-worded or cloned.

Next Post: An English "Lord" in Marcahuasi.
Photos : John Ysrael Guevara