A day in Marcahuasi is to discover the loneliness, and the silence, its climate, its countryside, its legends and the mystery that is found all over the plateau. The visitors travel all of the mountain, wanting to know, and to find all of the mysterious sculptures in a record time.

These cliffs give us the opportunity to see things differently, every time that you find yourself at these heights.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to forget time and reality, because everything fascinates and captivates us. To see the ruins, the cliffs, the lakes and the petrified monuments is to daydream about a fantastic reality that starts when you arrive but you've no idea where it ends.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to know the new legends, to listen to the elders of San Pedro de Casta, deliberate with nostalgia, their stories that they lived or have told, its to listen also to the visitors that arrive and return with very different emotions.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is unique, for its rocks, its ruins, its wind and its silence ... of the crags and the sunsets, to be an accomplice in the magic of its scenery, its something that you get to know and never forget.
A day in Marcahuasi ... accompanied by the night, the moon and the stars, together with a bonfire, sipping a hot drink, singing songs since at the altitude and in the heart feelings are universal, like the mist and the cold that wraps everyone.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to cook in the open air, to smoke with the smell of fresh logs, flavouring everything that is cooked, and also is a motive to get to know all of the ingredients, the neighbours, and the stray dogs that arrive at that precise instant of eating ...
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to live without a ray of light, the cloud that shrouds all of the plateau, the rain that bathes the sacred mountain, and the mud that sticks to everything. Yes, that Easter or October when you went.
The friends that you choose to go to Marcahuasi with ought to be good friends, like the new sculptures that you will find in the sacred mountain.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to get to know people, people that tell stories, anecdotes and experiences, that perform crazy acts challenging abysses, diving in the lakes, entering in cracks, writing their names in the rocks, singing and listening to music, and others resting so they can continue this adventure.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to imagine yourself with the past, to come and go between the bridge of illusion and the bridge of reality, is that reason that lives in every corner of Marcahuasi like a punishment or a reality.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to open yourself up to all questions, to what this sacred mountain was, is now, and what will be. It's to live a crisis of answers because everything that is felt here is tellurically, cosmically, and mythologically Andean.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to invoke Daniel Ruzo, for his dedication and commitment to this place, to rediscover the Andean's skills that lived with their dead in Huacracoha, Santa Maria and the fortress.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to see how some visitors only arrive here to sleep in the Amphitheatre and then at dawn are returning home. Also it is curious how some people from very early soon after arriving go and collect logs to prepare their food.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to be awake and vigilant to everything, you feel how you integrate with the people who you love and who are far away, we all want to feel more than an emotion at these altitudes, and we all want that this feeling never stops.

The magic of this lake is to find it like this, possibly in another visit you will find it dry
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to find new sculptures, new shadows, to find the lake of Cachu Cachu, a mirror that the sky looks at, or to see it dry and dusty, punished by time.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to forget time, the day and the hour, of debts, of stress and of illnesses also, to get to know new friends, and exchange opinions, and concepts of what you have seen and you are still wanting to see.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to find the Amphitheatre without a camp site (but packed with people), full of fresh herbs, of wet earth and of the hut we don't speak, those that arrive first are very privileged.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to find peace and inner freedom, to feel the inspiration every time, to live with the mystery that we all know something of, but that nobody knows completely.
A day in Marcahuasi in the company of the Monument to Humanity, is to be trapped with all times, is to test out the truth and the whims, is to remain silent being an accomplice in all that we know and believe.
A day in Marcahuasi ... is different to any other day that you return, also the cold and the heat and the tiredness is different, and you think also that this applies right up to the people that you meet in Marcahuasi.

The goodbye to Marcahuasi is never certain, despite ...
A day in Marcahuasi ... is to fill yourself with nostalgia, because the moment arrived to say goodbye to this petrified valley, here you leave a part of your life, sleeping questions, a commitment to return and a sad memory of friends that you knew and aren't here, going down the route of Kiska Kumo (the short route), now I cannot mention a day in Marcahuasi ... without one more goodbye to Marcahuasi.
[Read the original blog post (in Spanish)]
Next Post : Anecdote ... from my second trip
Photos : John Ysrael Guevara