A significant proof that Daniel Ruzo dedicated so much to the plateau is the large flow of tourists from within Peru and from abroad that today arrive at this place with the hope of corroborating the theories he spread. What's more the cabin that he constructed and where he lived alongside the Monument to Humanity also now serves for visitors. Moreover the photography that travelled the whole world due to him is a sample that today the society of those who love the sacred mountain are very grateful for.

In the cabin where Ruzo lived during the time he dedicated to investigate the plateau.
All of the people from San Pedro de Casta that worked with him tell me the deep love that he had for the rocks, and that his happiness was immense whenever he discovered something new ...
On one occasion Ruzo proposed to the community of San Pedro de Casta to purchase Marcahuasi but this idea was rejected because they said that he wanted to take ownership of the treasures that existed there. They also didn't permit him to investigate underground constructions that he affirmed were present.
Ruzo ... I ask only that people accept his conclusions as a simple hypothesis.
Despite all of the negatives he continued his investigations and wrote "Marcahuasi : the fantastic history of a discovery", then in Mexico published "The Manifesto de Tepoztlan" making known his discoveries of anthropomorphic sculptures, zoomorphic; sustaining that the Masma culture wasn't a Peruvian culture, but instead an American protohistoric culture, earlier than the Sumerians ... and also affirmed that the sacred forests are places for spiritual salvation of the chosen ones and that there are treasures and natural forces hidden in places where the telluric currents of the world are concentrated.

... many people will arrive at the plateau, quite prophetic since this has indeed happened. What an adventure there is at these heights!
Such were the affirmations of Daniel Ruzo that we continue visiting the sacred plateau to enjoy this marvellous landscape that captivates us more with each visit, and more still the secrets that the sculptures guard.
[Read the original blog post (in Spanish)]
Next part : The amphitheatre
Photos by John Ysrael Guevara